Yay another blog hop! I
do enjoy these as it gives me a chance to catch up with the lives of my
writerly pals. In this blog hop we share our summer dreams with you. Please
have a read and enjoy. Then visit the other #Gr8Blogs
listed at the end of this post for more Summer 2016 C*U*R*R*E*N*T*L*Y
My plans for summer are like no other summer I have had
before. Huge life changes are happening in the background and will come to fruition
by the end of July. So what’s been going on these last couple of months, well….
I am still very much into my
new found love of energy healing and meditation. I must write up a blog post
about the star magic workshop I went on by Jerry Sergeant http://www.starmagichealing.com it
was an experience that I will never ever forget and I didn’t realise how much
my fear was controlling my life until I attended it. It gave me some extremely
deep healing and really opened up my world in ways I didn’t think possible. I have done a huge amount of self discovery
this year through meditation, reading endless blogs / articles about the whole subject
and connecting with fellow like minded people. I have made some amazing
friendships through it and met some real characters! I feel completely at peace
and things are all snowballing into a crazy little whirlwind of much fun and
excitement, with the odd spell of fear thrown in ha ha. One of the biggest
changes this year, is my growth in confidence! I am surprised with what I have
been throwing myself into, there is no way in the world I would do half of the
stuff I am doing this time last year. I am so curious to see just how far I
will push myself with it all, but the more you face your fears the stronger you
become, in all areas of your life. My blog Don't Let Being an Introvert Stop You From Living Your Creative Dreams gives some tips for those introverts out there. Don't let this trait run your life for you, if I can do this... seriously, anyone can!
So a couple of weeks ago I
decided to do a new moon ritual to manifest my goals and desires. Are you
starting to back away? Ha ha. Yes I know all this sounds nuts, but this is what
is working for me and what I believe in, so as crazy as it sounds I feel I should
share it. I personally get affected by
the moon a lot, and I know many others do too. It will either be a case of being
on an extreme high or an extreme low or even full on internal rage…. It might
just be a woman thing ha ha. So I came across a post advertising Sarah Prouts new
moon manifestation ritual. The New moon was a few days away which was ideal
timing to do the ritual so I thought, why not. You have to try these things
The new moon signifies
beginnings so is the perfect time to put your intentions forward. I have had
some major decisions to make this year and will be taking a massive leap of
faith so I kinda need all the support I can get out there. So I thought lets
give this a bash, what have I got to lose. The ritual consisted of writing your 5 intentions
out 55 times in a meditative state. I won’t give away all the instructions as they are not mine to
give away, but if you are interested then please do check Sarahs website out http://sarahprout.com
Now two have already come true!
The first one was to lead a healthy lifestyle and stop smoking the second
was to be chosen for an art competition that would be an opportunity of a life
time. I can’t say too much as I am still waiting to see if I have made it to
the finals, but I got as far as the 2nd stage which I am absolutely
blown away by. Out of over 1000 artists, I was chosen as one of the 200.
Apologies for gloating, but I am so dam proud of myself! Anyway we will see
what happens there, but it well and truly gave me the reassurance I needed for
my plans this summer.
My intention of stopping
smoking happened in an odd way. I put my intentions out to the universe
and the next day I was struck down by an infection that literally wiped me out
for a week. So while I was stuck in bed I thought I would try finding another
hypnosis video for stopping smoking, I have tried them twice before and lasted
a week and then the will power crumbled.
I stumbled across a video clip
mentioning Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. Now any smokers out there will
know how difficult it is to stop, I have lost count of the amount of times I
have tried! Well this book was amazing! It encourages you to smoke the whole
way through it which is every smokers dream ha ha
I just found it a fascinating
read more than anything because it makes you really look at the whole
psychology behind smoking and you start to see the truth for what it really is
and that is MIND CONTROL! It really does make you look at smoking in a whole new way, fascinating stuff. Now
you can’t force people to stop, you either want to do it or you don’t, but if
you really do, then honestly… download the book! What have you got to lose? If anything it really
is a good read.
You are encouraged not to stop
smoking until you finish the entire book and after that you set your stop date.
I was very skeptical, but while I was reading it I was finding I didn’t really
want to smoke even though I was being told to go and have one. When I
finished the book I was eager to start
there and then and it has been so painless! I won’t pat myself on the back yet as it has
only been a week and a half but I will dedicate a blog to it when I reach a
month, and I WILL reach it.
Making Me Happy
Everything is making me happy
right now, my family, friends, the people I am meeting through my workshops and
creative endeavours. We recently went on
a camping trip with some friends to the New Forest which was amazing. It was
the children’s first camping trip and they absolutely loved it. We loved it so much,
all of us are doing it again at the end of August. It was so lovely to get in
touch with nature and to leave the gadgets behind. Days were spent on long
walks followed by bbqs and pub lunches. Then the evening was spent playing
cards and hanging out. Most people know my obsession with trees so this little
trip was heaven on a plate for me. Beautiful part of the country!

We have started to become green
fingered again and started doing bits and pieces in the garden. I have a little
vegetable patch on the go which is lovely, hopefully we will have some
tomatoes, green beans, pumpkin, courgettes, corn and strawberries on the go. We
are also planning to deck out the side garden so that we can do some summer
entertaining and for the childrens art workshops that I want to run from home.
August is going to be a month
that I am a grin on legs. My sister is having a baby… yay!! So that is super
exciting and my other sister is coming down for two weeks from Australia. I
haven’t seen her for over a year so I cannot wait for that. My Mum is also back
from Australia for a while so it will be so lovely having most of my family
around me again. Most of my family live
in Australia which at times can be difficult as we are all very close, they are
my best friends. Thank goodness for skype though, at least that makes things
easier. August also marks the time that this bird finally flies. I think that
is a rather nice little thought to end this blog post on.
Thank you to all who do read my
blogs, if you have any questions at all on any of the subjects that I talk
about or just want to connect with me then feel free to get in touch. I love
getting to know new people and listening to their tales. Life is one big game
and learning experience, there is nothing better than sharing it with people
and just spreading the love.
For more Currently
-Summer 2016 inspiration, visit the #Gr8blogs below.
And hey, if you’re pumped
about writing your own Currently - Summer 2016 post, just add your
family-friendly Currently link to your blog post in the comment section.
We’ll visit your blog and give you some blog love!
Carmela Dutra, A Blog For Your Thoughts