I was having a little chat with one of my twitter buds last night about his entry to the daily doodle theme this week of Roald Dahl. We were discussing what were our fave stories and it inspired me to write my 2nd post. For those that haven’t heard of Daily Doodle, it is one of the groups on twitter that encourages people to pick up the pencil and get doodling. It’s a great way to share your work and be inspired by others not to mention meet some lovely peeps. They pick a topic each day and all you have to do is draw it and post it with their relevant hashtags.
Daily Doddle picked a great topic this week, I would imagine all the illustrators had an absolute field day reincarnating some of these stories. Sadly I have been swamped with Animal Stories For The Young Vol 3 so can’t participate in the fun, booooo. But here are some of the doodles that caught my eye that I had to share.
Amanda Pike: follow on twitter Steve Brown: follow on twitter
John Esparza: follow on twitter Will Petrey: follow on twitter
Now like most people out there I was a huge fan Roald Dahl’s books, the man was such an inspiration. Lucky old Quentin Blake getting to illustrate his books! I would have been extremely excited to illustrate these stories, such an extraordinary imagination!
Looking at the doodles for this weeks theme got me reminiscing of times when I was a little girl reading his stories and I was trying to remember what my favourite was. You know what, I honestly don’t think I have one, there were so many. These are the ones that stuck out for me…
BFG, The Witches, Georges Marvelous Medicine, The Twits, James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda.

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I know there are any more but these are my favourites, I wonder what everyone else’s was. I am off down the library this weekend and taking a trip down memory lane.
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